This is the most adorable shopping cart ever! It has Walmart logo's on it and even comes with 18 pieces of food so your little one can go shopping.
Plus its priced at just $7.99! This would make an amazing present for any young one, my kids absolutely love it!
Want to add to the fun? For only $2.99 you can also grab this 25 piece Hand Shopping Cartwith food also on sale and would be the perfect gift set together.
This cart was love at first sight for my kids. They love to pretend they are shopping and then they act like they come home and pretend cook as well. Plus they even play restaurant with this and its great for pushing other toys around too.
This is a classic toy that has not went out of style. Even my oldest had a shopping cart and loved to play with it just as much and the pretend food is always a huge hit.
To save on shipping opt in for free in-store pickup otherwise shipping is free with a $35+ purchase.