Just when you thought your furbaby couldn't get any cuter we spotted these Cat Banana Beds from $12.98 at Walmart and let's just say they are a must-have for every kitty.
Cat Banana Bed
These Cat Banana Beds are made to look just like a peeled banana but the peeling has an extra surprise because cats will love curling up under the peel for extra privacy.
These come in 3 different sizes including small medium and large. Perfect for every kitten and adult cat out there. Including the ones that love to eat.
Each cat bed is sure to make your pet feel special and cozy. I mean what pet wouldn't want to crawl into their own little plush banana bed?
Plus why stop with kitties these would also be amazing for small dogs and puppies alike.
Shipping is free.
omg. Lol
for Blue
for hyko!? Lmao
Pepper needs a nanner
look at those banana fur nuggets!
adorable!!!! Lol
for Gigi & Greta
for your new cat!
this is right up your alley
this reminded me of you!
dude he'd love that!
One for me, two more for the cats!
omg am I a crazy cat lady ?
I mean... my babies might like this
its So cute!!!!
it hasn’t been back since I threw the shoes at it!!! Easton told me last night to call him if my cat comes back & he’ll save me & be my hero

Michelle check this out
he’s such a special soul!!
it really is!
, adorable!
omg im gonna get my cat one!
this is pretty awesome!
that he is!!
you need one for Mr Muffins
are you saying I’m a crazy cat lady? If so, you’re right!
you know muffins and goodboy will both squeeze in that banana and fight. It would be hilarious
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kitty’s need this!!!
haha omg I didn’t even read the headline just thought the bed was too cute!
add to the banana collection lmao
I desperately want this for Digger,
housewarming gift for Duane!!!
you need this!!
I literally have this saved in my amazon
HA! That is the greatest!!!

I’m trying to save money and you’re making it soooo hard by giving me all of those great ideas
I'm getting this for you when you get a cat
you need a cat
he would be so cute in thisssss
Leia needs one.
.....Maybe Bean needs this for Xmas????
lmao too cute
jack needs a banana
something like this would be cute for the ferrets
You should get this.
Holy shit! That's so cute I need it!
Aine Murphy do you think she'd sleep in this!!!!
Awww so cute
u pour Gilbou
its hannah bananas banana hammock for kitteh
Haha so funny.
I feel like you need this!

omg. If only there was one big enough for us to sit side by side
for your new baby
, Leo would love this......
awww so cute!!!
bananagrams & Howard lol
haha!! It’s cute but I’m not keeping her
we’ll see...
hehe. It’s so cute

This is perfect for Dashall Robert Purr.
she would look hilarious in this!!
omg I want but family size
I’m sure miss Gwen would love a kitten!
Rage would probably love it.
the one with the bottle lol.. Clara would be drinking a latte
What does it say about Kayla who has already bought this for Walter.