You never know what will be the next hot toy that everyone has to have until it lands and these Cutetitos just made the top list!
While supplies last you can grab one of these super cute burrito wrapped mystery plushies for only $9.99!
You mix a food like blanket with a super adorable plush and it's no wonder all kids are asking for these by name.
To add to the fun each one is a mystery and you could receive 12 possible collectible styles including puppitos, catitos, slothitos, pigitos, bunnitos, bearitos and monkitos! The kids are going to love to collect them all.
What is more exciting than a burritos plush? How about a hot spot that lets you know if your new furry friend is mild, medium, hot or super spicy.
Plus each one comes complete with a card featuring its own unique birthday, species, name, and favorite quotito. Pretty exciting right?
I'm grabbing these up to make the kids Easter baskets as with any new hot toy we don't expect these to last and I don't want to be left out in the dark so I will just store them until later.
Shipping is free with any $25+ purchase.