Cutetitos are the fun little surprise plush that comes wrapped in a burrito blanket that took over the surprise world and everyone wanted them. Now, these fun little guys are available in Series 2 and it's safe to say for just $9.99 I'm grabbing the kids some up.
When you have a burrito shell blanket with a super adorable plush hidden inside it's no wonder these are asked for by name.
Series 2 Cutetitos features 12 collectible animals including a donkito, koalito, parrotito, turtlito, catito, bearito, even a narwhalito, and more. We can't wait to collect them all!
Wondering what could be more exciting than a burritos plush? How about a hot spot that lets you know if your new furry friend is mild, medium, hot or super spicy and rare to boot.
Each package comes complete with a card featuring its unique birthday, species, name, and favorite quotito. Pretty exciting right?
As always with Amazon, shipping is free with any purchase of $25 or more. Want free shipping? Sign up here for a FREE 30 day trial of Amazon Prime and you'll also get free two day shipping on these awesome Cutetitos with no minimums.