If you been wanting a Google Home but didnt want to break the bank this speaker is the way to go.
It is just like a Google Home except its made by Insignia and its amazing! Plus its priced at just $29.99 saving you $70!
I personally got one of these for Christmas and there is no other words for it other then love at first sight.
This speaker simply hooks up to your existing wifi connection wirelessly and then you can say Hey Google and it does just about everything.
From telling me the time to the weather and the daily new and playing my favorite music I use this thing constantly.
In fact I love it so much I bought an additional one for my kitchen. All I have to say is Hey Google set timer for 30 mins or any other amount of time and it does just that.
Plus it can tell me recipes, measurement conversions and so much more I just love this device.
To save on shipping opt in for free in-store pickup. Alternatively bump your order up an addtional $5.01+ and score free shipping straight to your door.