We all know that one person who loves coffee so much they couldn't give it up even if they had to. If you are having trouble finding them a perfect gift idea this I’ve Cut Back to Just One Cup of Coffee Per Day Mug is sure to please and priced at just $19.99 its price isn't too shabby either.
I’ve Cut Back to Just One Cup of Coffee Per Day Mug
This I’ve Cut Back to Just One Cup of Coffee Per Day Mug is the perfect gift idea for that java lover you know. It has a huge 64-ounce capacity so you can drink that whole pot of coffee in just one cup.
Not only would this ginormous mug be good for coffee but you could drink your soda, juice, wine, or even chicken soup out of this thing with laughter.
Plus not to mention I could see using this as a vase or even planter to complement every java lover's style.
This cup is made of ceramic and by the Big Mouth company so you know you are getting quality where it counts.
As always you can get free shipping on orders of $25 or more.
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you need this for your new job
yes!!!! That’s me!!!

good memories from “that” day lol