Time to get organized! If your kids rooms look like a hurricane now they can shove it all in a bean bag type chair and hide it away while providing extra sitting.
Plus right now you can save 50% off these with code 50QPP69N
I grabbed these for the kids at Christmas time and I really truly could not imagine they can hold so much.
When I say they can hold alot I mean like 2 black trash bags crammed full. Sounds pretty amazing right? Oh these defiantly are and my favorite purchase ever.
While these were designed to hold soft toys my kids have also used them for hampers and they make grabbing up their dirty clothing a breeze.
These come in 2 different colors including grey and pink so you can grab your childs favorite color for their bedroom.
These make cleaning awhole lot more engaging for the kids as they dont mind cramming a bag full of all the stuff instead of organizing.
Shipping is free.