Toddler Pajama Sets Down To $4 @ Target

Toddler Pajama Sets Down To $4 @ Target

Need to get your little ones sorted into some new pajamas? You really do not want to miss this sale.

Target just lowered the price of 4 piece pajama sets to $7.99 making each 2 piece set only $4, score!

Even more amazing some of these sets are LEGO Duplo themed and let's just say they are headed straight to the cart.

Each set comes with a character printed front and matching pants. Plus they come in a wide variety of sizes to fit toddlers of all ages.

They are also including some Christmas themed sets as well and if your family is anything like mine we wear these all winter long and love them. Plus when it comes to Paw Patrol can you ever go wrong?

While there are several sets to choose from for the best selections on sizes, styles you will want to shop asap.

Shipping is free with any $35+ purchase.

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