I'm the type of person that will buy a handbag and keep that thing until I can't handle it anymore. Let's face it with the cost of designer bags it's hard not too.
That is until now! Nordstrom just reduced the price of thousands of handbags by up to 75% off and let's just say I'm buying my own gift for Valentines Day this year.
Love a certain color, style, look or designer? Look no further this sale is so huge that you will find exactly what you are looking for.
While I have several designers that are my favorite I have to say this Madewell Lafayette Leather Bucket Bag for $99.97 has won me over. I mean have you ever seen a bag so fashionable at this price?
Looking for a cute Easter Basket idea that is actually usable? Check out this Vans Backpack for $9.97 (was $38). Simply stuff with the kid's candy, stuffed animal, collectibles or anything else the kids love and you have a homemade basket everyone will love.
With so many choices choosing just one is really hard. But with savings this high who said anything about just needing one? I can grab a couple without even feeling guilty.
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