Women's Christmas Leggings Just $2 @ Walmart

Women's Christmas Leggings Just $2 @ Walmart

With Christmas just days away if you haven't found the perfect outfit to wear while opening presents or visiting the family check these out.

For a limited time, 2 packs of holiday leggings are just $4 at Walmart making each pair just $2 each!

*Note these will say out of stock until you change the color print to see the stock that is available.

Some packs are even matched with 1 solid print legging that would be perfect to wear out year round.

From wearing long t-shirts to tunics these leggings are going to be my favorite accessory this Christmas and did I mention they are always super comfy to sleep in as well?

They are available in sizes XS through XXL but only 2 options contain all the sizes. Others are selling quickly with only a size or 2 left so you will want to be quick on this one.

Shipping is free with any $35+ purchase.

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