When it comes to cleaning the car, I hope you'll agree when I say...
Cleaning the car stinks.
That's why we decided to find the best hacks on the internet to help you with the job.
If you're looking to clean your car this year, these hacks will help. We've scoured the web for the very best car cleaning hacks to make your job easy.
Sometimes it just takes seeing some hacks for inspiration to get you going. Some of these are so genius we had to share, plus what better way to clean your car than with some neat hacks?
1. Put cupcake wrappers in cup holders.
2. Shower caddies are perfect kids trays.
4. Use a rubber band as a phone holder.
5. Buy shoe organizers to keep order.
6. Use a paint brush to dust between vents.
7. Squeegee + water bottle = no more pet hair.
9. Sprinkle baking soda before vacuuming to get rid of smells.
10. Use a toothbrush to remove gunk from seats, the dashboard or cup holders.
11. Buy a cereal container and use as a trash can.
See also:The Perfect DIY To Clean Car Upholstery
what's the clothespin for?
Where is the trunk shelf from?
What is the clothespin for ????? You did not answer the question
The clothespin is to use as an oil diffuser, clip clothespin in vent add drops of oil and it's diffuser
If you put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a clothespin, the wood will absorb the lovely scent. When you put the clothespin into your car’s air vent, the smell will be released into the whole vehicle
Where and how much is a trunk shelf? I see very expensive ones online.
these are all great tips - NY
What is the trunk shelf made from, is it home made or from a dealer? How does it sit above the other groceries?
Gm this is great,I was a bit down but this made me feel happy don't know why but I guess because this makes life so simple.Thank you so much .
Good ideal l
totally love the tips!
What is the stapler with the keys for
I really like the trunk shelf and show organizer ideas! Where would I get a trunk shelf? Did you up cycle something?
These are some really great ideas. I practically live in my car because of my daily commute. Definitely gonna try out some of these hacks!
Thanks for sharing!
It made me go clean my car and I love the paintbrush idea. I used almost everything and my car looks
I tried the cereal container as a garbage can but it kept falling over and out of reach.
How do you keep the cereal container/garbage receptacle from falling over?
Wow did everyone skip the comments and ask the same question??? SMH
So for the trunk shelf, not sure what the pin is suggesting and this may be an expensive way but try this idea. You can buy rigid insulating foam from Home Depot...$10.. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Cellofoam-3-4-in-x-4-ft..., cut it to shape (It's a 4x8 sheet, could make 2).
Then (optional), add what I think is sticky backed fleece for looks from Michaels...$10..http://www.michaels.com/725-wonderunder-heavy-duty... ... Lite weight and strong enuf if you go 3/4 inch or 1 inch.
I use a plastic shoe box as my trash can in the car. It is pushed under the front seat by the back seat passenger. Also, when the kids need to eat crumbly things in the car, they eat with it on their laps and crumbs fall in. When they are done, the lid is put on.
the shelf in the back looks to be a ironing board to me.