Bath & Body Works Free Shipping Trick (2019)

Bath & Body Works Free Shipping Trick (2019)

If you're trying to get free shipping at Bath & Body Works, look no further than this guide.

With how often we get free shipping codes from Bath & Body Works whenever we can't we have it (we admit, we're spoiled) we have to let our our users know about the Bath & Body Works Free Shipping trick most have never tried.

First, you should know that Bath and Body Works offers free shipping on any orders over $39, so to start if you're trying to get free shipping on your order and it's over $39 you will.

Second, there's another option, the free shipping trick that sends users who've shopped for items and added them to their cart, but then don't finish the order.

If you close out with items in your cart, they will try and email you Bath and Body Works free shipping codes in hopes to finish your order as a form of advertising.

We'll be breaking down exactly how it works so you can give it a try below.

Bath & Body Works Free Shipping Trick

You should also know about the Bath & Body Works free shipping trick, it's a simple way to get free shipping codes sent right to your inbox and to qualify it's simple.

For those that don't know, Bath & Body Works uses a 'abandoned cart' free shipping retargeting promotion where once a user has added items to their cart and not checked out, in a few days, they'll send them an email with free shipping coupons to finish their order.

Here's how to do the free shipping trick:

That's it! Now, leave the site with your shopping cart full and expect free shipping promo codes to get emails to you in the upcoming days/weeks.

It's a way Bath & Body Works tries to lure users back to checkout with their carts intact.

What happens next:

  • Once you left with your shopping cart full, they'll try emailing you shipping codes
  • Check your email for free shipping codes in the upcoming days/weeks
  • Many users have gotten free shipping codes emailed to them by doing this

By retargeting customers who've shopped online and added items to their cart, they send out a free shipping offer for any order that is over $25 that's an exclusive free shipping code just for you.

It really is kind of brilliant to get customers to finish their order, we never mind free shipping offers whenever we get them, but most don't know about the retargeting email they send out to users so they finish checking out with their order.

Once they send you an email once you've followed the direction above you'll get a free shipping code emailed to you that'll get your free shipping on your $25 or more order. Such a sweet tip that we think everyone should know about before ordering online at Bath & Body Works!

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Your turn: Do you have any Bath & Body Works tricks we don't know about? Share it below to help others score free shipping at Bath & Body Works!

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