So you're having a movie night and on the hunt for free Redbox codes.
It's not just you:
We love grabbing freebies anytime we get a chance to and Redbox free codes are at the top our list with how much we love free movie nights and they're so easy to get!
Free Redbox Codes are simply Redbox promo codes that let users unlock free rentals online or at Redbox kiosks.
While there are a bunch of codes floating around (which we share below) we'll also give tips for free Redbox coupons like signing up for their emails for a free code!
Using them however can be a little tricky, but if you have a few minutes we'll show you how to get them, how to use them and bonus tips on getting them in bulk.
See Also: Secret Netflix Codes: The Complete List (2018 Update)
Free Redbox Codes
The first step is finding a Redbox location near you that takes the codes.
Here's a list of current Free Redbox Promo Codes that will get you a free rental which we've last updated February 2018:
- Sign up for emails to get your first free Redbox promo code
- Text VALPAK to 727272 for free rental (expires February 28)
- Text and of the following Redbox coupon codes to 727272 and you'll get back a secret Redbox Code that you can use for a FREE Redbox DVD Rental.
- GAMEKIDS to 727272 (video game rental)
How to use Redbox Coupons
First you'll have to find a Redbox kiosk near you and jot down the code you'll be using.
When you arrive at the Redbox Kiosk, choose your movie and enter the Redbox coupon codes listed above (take a bunch) so you make sure to have one that works.
Redbox is always releasing new codes so you may have to troubleshoot a bit, some codes only work online, others only work at kiosks and some work for both.
The key is to keep trying and entering in the codes below until you find a winner.
Bonus: Tips Get More Redbox Codes
1. Sign Up For Redbox Emails
Most don't know this but you can actually get free Redbox rentals when you sign up for their emails. Just confirm your email address to get your free code!
2. Buy Redbox Codes in bulk
Did you know you can actually buy Redbox codes in bulk?
While these aren't free they make great gifts (we get them for teachers) and they're such a neat way to watch new movies when you score them in bulk.
3. Download the Redbox App for a free code
While not always, Redbox has offered free codes to those that install their app. Take a second and try installing the Redbox phone app and see if it scores you a free code!
4. Join The Redbox Text Club for free codes
Join the Redbox text club for freebies, deals and discounts.
Just text SIGNUP to 727272 to join the text club and get your free Redbox Coupons when they are available.
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Your turn: What are your thoughts on free Redbox Codes? Have you tried one that works (or doesn't) and want to let us know! Share below, we'd love to hear from you!